Monday, August 24, 2009

DAY 4-7

This next post is covering the past four days because three of them were a whole lot of the same. Thursday through Sunday all I pretty much did every day was play on the beach. Activities include insane boogey boarding (the beaches here have some of the biggest waves which make you fly on a boogie board)), body surfing (same rules apply for boogie boarding here), and kissing dragons (more on that later). Some crazy stuff happened though while on the beach. I was playing Frisbee on the beach Thursday with Grant and there was a strong wind blowing south along the beach. I had a bad throw (most of them were because of the wind) which was carried by the wind and caused the it to start rolling down the beach. Well like the Energizer bunny, it just kept on going and going and going and going. The wind was preventing it from stopping, Grant followed it to see how long it would roll and eventually he got about 300 yards down the beach and just eventually stopped it. I am pretty sure we set a world record for the longest Frisbee role. On Friday a girl spotted a lizard called a spotted dragon seen below.

My initial thought was I have to kiss this thing. After about 10 minutes of building up enough courage I finally did it. I kissed three times on the back of the head, and then I think it thought we were moving to fast then sprinted back into the woods. I just wish it would call me so we could talk things over…. But anyways that was fun and terrifying at the same time and some people got a picture of it but haven’t posted it yet (Don’t worry Dad a washed my mouth out with soap and Listerine multiple times). Then Saturday night I decided to go to the pub and watch the big rugby game (Australia vs New Zealand). Once we got there we stayed for an about an hour and then decided it was to hot and crowded. After we left we got some ice cream from In the Pink, which was pretty good. Ice cream here is very different form America. Sunday we tried to find a church but there no luck so we decided to listen to sermon. After the sermon a bunch of people went to play out in the ocean one more time before class started up. I figured out how to body surf and tried skin boarding. All the activity caused me to be in the water much to long, which eventually led to the cold that I have right now (Its seeming to pass pretty quick though). That night we watched the Hangover (which is absolutely amazing, even the second time), and then called it a night.

Let me just say right now that this is probably the most relaxed I have ever been in my life, ITS AWESOME. I just lie in my bed, listen to music, and smile before I go to bed every night. All of this may change when classes start but I highly doubt that. I thank God everyday for giving me this opportunity and I am going to cherish it for the rest of my life. I am going to make it as memorable as possible.


  1. This is so sweet. I can't wait to hear what happens when SCHOOL STARTS!! So far, it's just a dream vacation.
