Saturday, September 5, 2009

Already out of Blog titles... DOG ATTACK sounds good

Well Well Well, here you are once again at my blog... checkin up on me. Well I have been pretty busy lately with school and messing around, and it has been hard to make time to just sit down and write on my blog. My hatred for typing is also a very large factor right now as well, but I have an hour though because I am staying up to talk to the other half of my family so I am going to use the hour wisely. I think that I have decided that I will update this thing weekly so I don’t spend all my time in Australia talking about the time I have spent in Australia. So lets see where was I aw yes Tuesday of two weeks ago. Well Tuesday and Wednesday all I pretty much did was play on the beach and hang out with people and nothing absolutely fantastic or interesting happened. Thursday was the first day of Marine Biology. The class was really boring because all we did was talk about currents and different types of beaches for about 4 hours straight. After the long lecture though, we did go for a walk on the beach. That was still pretty boring to because the professor rambled on about nothing for an hour and showed us some random stuff. It wasn’t all bad though because we did get to see a couple of different types of crabs. But on the way back the bonus was that I finally got to meet or at least see the infamous Phil. He is an odd looking, awkward fellow but knows more about the Australian wildlife and plantlife than anyone else on this green earth. Nothing significant really happened that night that I can recall, I probably watched a movie or something like that. Friday I went with a large group of people to Byron. Bryon is a pretty cool touristy town with a lot of shops and a lot of places to eat about a half an hour bus ride from Lennox. I walked around with people for a couple of hours and didn’t end up buying anything but there are some prospects for the future. They include an Australian hat, boomerang, and didgeridoo. But after aimless wandering we ended up heading home and watching the little mermaid that night which was super fun.

Saturday had a one major interesting thing happen… We found a camp dog… She didn’t stay long but still amazing right??? The day started out with Kurtis, Jordan, and I waiting for low tide so that we could go snorkel at the lagoon because everyone else was gone in scuba diving class. We waited around till about 4 o’clock when we thought it was going to be low tide. Well when we got to the beach we realized that we had gotten the tide backwards…. It was pretty much the highest tide that I had seen yet. Well we had the brilliant thought that the tide would go down by the time we arrived at lagoon, which was about a mile and a half away. This would not be the case. On the way this dog ran up in and started to walk in front of us. She would never let us get close enough to pet her for some reason. We eventually realized that this was a stray dog because no one was claiming it around us and she just kept on following us. Kurtis eventually got a stick and we started throwing it for the dog. Let me just say this dog was in the best shape that I have ever seen any dog, not to mention the fastest. The 3 mile walk from our camp to the lagoon and back the dog was continuously sprinting and bringing back the stick the entire time without getting winded. It was pretty much the third coolest dog ever (next to Pipp and Choochers (RIP), Bubba was a close fourth and I always hated Luke). Well anyway we ended up making it to the lagoon, but the tide didn’t go down at all which made getting to the lagoon impossible. Not to mention the visibility was terrible because it was a gloomy day. We still tried though which was a large mistake. The water was freezing and when stood up there was a strong wind, which made matters worse. I saw three fish in the 30-minute failed attempt, it was miserable. The whole time we were in the water the dog (later named Sophie) sat on the beach and waited for us. Well since she committed to us we committed to her. We took her into the camp and fed and bathed her. Kurtis even let her sleep in his bed that night. Her stay was short lived though, because that next morning on the way to the doorknock (described in next blog) some friends of the owner recognized the dog and said that they would take the dog back to its rightful owner. It was a sad goodbye but it would have been hard for us to keep up with the dog. Hard not impossible….

Oh Ya one of the morning I woke up super early to watch the sunrise and it was amazing. There are pictures so that you can understand what I mean.

To avoid super long posts I am going to end this one here but there will be another one up shortly maybe its late here and my family should be online soon so probably not but we will see… Oh and the reason why there are no pictures so yet it because it sucks to try and upload them, but I will still try throughout the months.

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